Elected Officials
President Biden
US Senator Ed Markey

218 Russell Senate Office Building, Washington, DC 20510
Phone: (202) 224-2742
Boston Office: 10 Causeway Street, Suite 559, Boston, MA 02222
Phone: (617) 565-8519
Legislature Contact: markey.senate.gov/contact
Campaign Website: www.edmarkey.com/
US Senator Elizabeth Warren
Russell Senate Office Building, 2 Russell Courtyard,
Washington, DC 20510
Phone: (202) 224-4543
Boston Office: 2400 JFK Federal Building, 15 New Sudbury St
Boston, MA 02203
Phone: (617) 565-3170
Legislature Contact: warren.senate.gov/contact
Campaign Website: www.elizabethwarren.com/

US Representative Lori Trahan
1616 Longworth House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515
Phone: (202) 225-3411
Lowell Office: 126 John Street, Lowell, MA 01852
Phone: (978) 459-0101
Legislature Contact: trahan.house.gov/contact
Campaign Website: www.loritrahan.com/

State of the Union, President Biden to Congress, 2022
Governor Maura Healey
Phone: (617) 725-4005
Contact: mass.gov/forms/email-the-governors-office
MA State House, #280
Boston, 02133
Campaign website: https://maurahealey.com/
MA Secretary of State William Galvin
McCormack Building, One Ashburton Place, Boston MA 02108
Phone: (800)-392-6090 (in MA) or (617)-727-7030 or, direct line (617) 727-2828
Fax: (617)-742-4528
Email: cis@sec.state.ma.us
Website: sec.state.ma.us

MA Attorney General Andrea Campbell
One Ashburton Place, 20th Floor, Boston MA 02108
Phone: (617) 727-2200 (Boston)
Email Constituent Services: ago@state.ma.us
Website: mass.gov/orgs/office-of-attorney-general-andrea-campbell
Campaign website: https://www.andreacampbell.org/
State Senator Mike Barrett
State House, Room 213A, Boston, MA 02133
Phone: 617-722-1572
Fax: 617-626-0898
Email: Mike.Barrett@masenate.gov
Legislature Website: malegislature.gov/People/Profile/MJB0
Campaign Website: www.barrettforstatesenate.org/

State Representative Simon Cataldo
State House, Room B1, Boston, MA 02133
Phone: 617-722-2011
Email: simon.cataldo@mahouse.gov
Legislature Website: malegislature.gov/Legislators/Profile/TLG1
Campaign Website: https://simoncataldo.com/

Carlisle Select Board
SB and Administrator Emails
Vice Chair:
Note: You can sign up for notification of meetings and agendas of any board.
Also, it is very easy to violate the Open Meeting Law, but the onus is on the SB. The public can send email to one or more without problem.

Carlisle Town Clerk, Peggy Wang
Web page has full information on elections, agendas and minutes for all boards and committees. She maintains records of all town residents, all registered voters, and can supply lists by party.