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What's New? (Jan 5, 2025)
MassDems Listening Tour Jan 13
Young Women: Run for State Committee​
State results and contact info update coming soon.
Jan16, 7:00PM 2024
Members: Attend meetings! Public
opinions need 10 present to pass at a meeting! 6 to pass with email vote follow-up.
MassDems Listening Tour
The losses in the 2024 elections, particularly Trump's improvement in so many districts in the country, have prompted the Democratic Party to start building better connections with voters. MassDems is holding listening tours. We are in Lori Trahan's district (3) and we are invited to zoom in on Monday, January 13th at 7PM. Please register and get your opinion heard!​​
Youth Female Seat
MassDems reserves a seat for an interested female between ages 18 and 35. You can declare your candidacy by sending an email to contact@massdems.org with the subject like "Youth Female Seat". Please include a candidate statement of 250 words or less which will be circulated to DSC Members prior to the election. It might be useful to also notify one of the Carlisle Democratic Town Committee's state members. The deadline for declaring candidacy (with your statement) is January 31st at 5pm. This sounds like a great chance to get acquainted with government while also getting some ideas considered that might help our youth!
National Election 2024 Results
President / Vice President
It is old news now that Trump won by 312 electoral votes to Harris' 226. All the states we thought had a chance - NC, PA, MI, GA, AZ, WI, NV - went to Trump. It is the same story as the previous two elections where a small systematic margin prevailed - for Biden in 2020 and for Trump in 2016 and 2024. This isn't entirely the polls either; the Cook Report also erred on races despite being based at least somewhat on previous leans and swings.
The Senate and Potential Vacancies
# Dems
+2 Independents
Trump App'ts
Rubio FL
Vance OH
The House and Potential Vacancies
# Dems
1 - Gaetz resigned
Trump App'ts
Stefanik NY
Waltz, FL
House vacancies in the first House session must be filled by special election; Stefanik and Waltz come from safe GOP districts. Senate vacancies are filled by Governor appointment. Both FL and OH have GOP governors. There seems to be little chance of flipping any of the four seats held by appointees at present but there may be more appointments from the Senate or House.
How to Find Any Grassroots Work or Event You Want
Mobilize.us is a website where numerous organizations post events and you can sign up for. Filters describe what you are looking for. Create a mobilize.us account, and it records all your sign-ups.
​In your browser go to the mobilize.us home page
Click "Filters" in the top menu bar
In the "Type" box click the right down arrow (wedge), scroll through the choices and click any activity you are looking for, e.g. "text banks" and "phone banks"
In "Campaign or Organization" hit the down arrow and select all that you think might offer what you want
At the bottom of all the choices, click "Apply Filters"
Issues Awareness in Carlisle Center
Town rules: one sign held by one person, multiple people, each holding one sign. You can bring a chair. Skip the bad weather. Thanks to Frank and Bonnie!
Facebook Feed
Purpose of Democratic Town Committees ​
"Town, ward and city committees are the foundation of Party organization and have the closest contact with the people...Local committees are intended to be working committees, dedicated to the cause of winning elections..." - Massachusetts Democratic Party Charter, Article Two, Section I.
Friends: You need not be a member to help the committee. In fact some of the grass roots activities you can do entirely independently. We encourage all to get involved.